No pictures of Fall River

Sunday morning I went to the bus station in Hyannis to ask for the next bus to Newport, Rhode Island. They sold me a ticket for a connection 12:30pm Hyannis to Fall River and 3:30pm Fall River to Newport. I had to wait for 1.5 hours at Fall River for the connecting bus which I thought was ok.

Fall River is a rather shady place you don’t want to visit. There is really nothing there. The bus station was closed and I couldn’t even find a bench to sit on. But it was a sunny day so I read my book and waited, till 3:30, till 3:40… At some point I got a little nervous and called the bus company. Turns out there was no bus going to Newport, Rhode Island in the afternoon. They sold me a ticket for a bus that didn’t exist! 😀 I would have to wait till 8pm for the next bus. A lady next to me waiting for a bus to Boston overheard the conversation so she kept telling me, I couldn’t stay in this place because it wasn’t safe. I’m not easily scared but she was probably right. I told the bus company they had to come up with a solution. In the end I took a bus back to Boston and got on another bus to Newport there.

Jack, the guy I stayed with in Newport, he felt really sorry for me because I missed out on a great seafood dinner. They had lobsters, clams and fish, all fished by his fishermen friends! At least I had a really nice conversation with the bus driver and I took this picture on the bus:


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