The Drum Circle

The drum circle is an old tradition in DC since the 60ies. Random people meet up at Meridian Park on Sundays to drum together. There was supposed to be a thunderstorm today whch is why there were not as many people drumming as usual. Normally on a sunny Sunday afternoon there would be at least 20 people with their drums 🙂


And here is the video I promised you 🙂

Lost Little Herman

This is the story of the lillte baby duckling called Herman that got lost in Annapolis and the three shananigans rescuing Herman when he was about to die.

When we met Herman he was this happy little thing exploring the world together with his parents.


Then after a while the duck familiy had to leave due to a boat coming their way. That was when little Herman lost his parents. He was suddenly all by himself…


Cute little Herman is not the brightest duckling, he is actually quite dumb. He got out of the water and went looking for his parents.

At one point  – and this is when it got all exiting and I couldn’t take pictures anymore – he went to this grid, really the ONLY dangerous place there was.It looked like this one, about 15cm deep and filled with water at the bottom.


I saw it coming, he fell through the grid and couldn’t get out by himself. My friend Joanna helped him to get out. She took him and brought him back to the water.

There his father came along and they both lived happily ever after…

Shananigans in Annapolis

I was really looking forward to this trip. I had heard so many good things about this little sailor town. It was supposed to rain and storm in DC, perfect time to rent a car and drive to Annapolis (less than one houre outside of DC).

I went with my two most lovely friends, Julianna and Joanna, and we had an amazing day. We actually wanted to stay the night but sadly our Airbnb was never confirmed 😦 We still had a great time, walked around looking for sailors, went canoeing, had some delicious oysters, watched the sunset, rescued a little baby-duckling (I will get back to that) and had a nice local dinner 🙂 🙂

Great times!!

Colonial Williamsburg

The second day of our trip we went to the outdoor museum they made in Williamsburg out of the old remaining houses. It’s a little cheesy but the people working there really try to give you a feeling of what was going on back in the 18th century. I didn’t take that any pictures of the different houses and trade shops we went to but everyone was dressed up like in the 18th century and they all played certain roles and told the visitors about their “lives”.

We had lunch in a tavern wich was pretty nice. My father had this delicious brown ale which I am constantly trying to find now… (doesn’t really help that I forgot what it was called)

My family and the coast of Virginia

My family came to visit me!!

We all went to Virginia for the weekend to explore the area where the first settlers came to America.

The first day we went to the beach. It was nice and sunny and I was a little disappointed of myself for not bringing my bikini…

We also went to this fort which I don’t really know anything about 😀 But I made some nice pictures 😉

After that we went to a small harbor town called Norfolk and wandered around. They have these huge naval vessels and the oldest house in town is a church that had a cannon ball stuck in the wall back from the Revolutionary War. It might be a little hard to see on the picture…


First day at the Embassy

I’ve been told I would not be very good at blogging – obviously 😀

Well, I’ve been very busy the last few weeks but now that I have a day off work, compensation for some overtime, I will give you guys an update on what’s going on around here and what I’ve been up to.

There are two things I was impressed by on my first day:

  1. my office
    I got the office that belongs to an officer who is on leave right now. My boss in the political department told me they had to keep the office occupied so that no other department would simply take it. Here is why:


  2. the political department’s morning meeting
    I felt like diving into world politics within 30 minutes. It’s an amazing experience every time…