Bienvenue à Bruxelles, Malin!

Hey guys,

I just decided to “re-open” my blog! Last year I wrote about my time in the US, this year I will tell you the story of my time in Brussels, the capital of Europe. Enjoy 🙂

I got arrived in Brussels almost two weeks ago and I’m already in love with the city. It’s very lively and welcoming. Before I came here I thought, well there are the institutions of the European Union, so it’s probably a place to work and nothing else. It is very much more than that. In Brussels you will meet people from all over Europe, from all over the world in fact. I have the impression that everyone around here speaks at least two different languages fluently, many people three or more…

In everyday life I have the opportunity to practise my French, at home I speak English with my lovely Greek roommate with whom I share a tiny apartment in the Flagey area. At work we also speak English. For those who don’t know why I’m here, I am doing an internship with the European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, where I’m a lonely lawyer amongst all the economists 😉

On my first day of work I attended a very interesting conference here in Brussels, the Brussels Economic Forum. George Soros held a most interesting and inspiring speech on his perspective of the (economic) future of the European Union.

My first days in Brussels:



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