The Atomium

The next day we did some sightseeing, obviously. I had never been to see the Atomium myself, it’s not very close to anything and there is nothing else there but some touristy museums. But it had to be done 😉 After a seen that done that, we went back into the city to explore the city centre and to get some sweet overkill Belgian waffles at Maison Dandoy! Good times!

It’s gin and tonic time!

I was very much looking forward to this day!!

My best friend came to visit me in Brussels and we had an amazing time together. I picked her up at Brussels Central Station after work and took her to Châtelain market where we got some delicious street food and a glass of wine. After, we went for fancy gin tonics at De Haus, a really cool place with a huuuuuge gin menu.

Bruxelles, ma belle!

Some impressions of the capital of Europe:



Sunny Brussels…



Brussels by night…


Peculiar details…


Doors of Brussels…


Czech Street Party

Different people told me separately about the Czech Street Party and I must admit, it was really fun 🙂

They had different stands for each region with free food trials, free beer and Czech liquor. Also very interesting music and then there was this guy who advertised the amazing Mendel University  in Brno. Apparently they have their own brewery and make their own wine 😀 Check it out! Amazing guy, we asked him for a photo after his speech


Bienvenue à Bruxelles, Malin!

Hey guys,

I just decided to “re-open” my blog! Last year I wrote about my time in the US, this year I will tell you the story of my time in Brussels, the capital of Europe. Enjoy 🙂

I got arrived in Brussels almost two weeks ago and I’m already in love with the city. It’s very lively and welcoming. Before I came here I thought, well there are the institutions of the European Union, so it’s probably a place to work and nothing else. It is very much more than that. In Brussels you will meet people from all over Europe, from all over the world in fact. I have the impression that everyone around here speaks at least two different languages fluently, many people three or more…

In everyday life I have the opportunity to practise my French, at home I speak English with my lovely Greek roommate with whom I share a tiny apartment in the Flagey area. At work we also speak English. For those who don’t know why I’m here, I am doing an internship with the European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, where I’m a lonely lawyer amongst all the economists 😉

On my first day of work I attended a very interesting conference here in Brussels, the Brussels Economic Forum. George Soros held a most interesting and inspiring speech on his perspective of the (economic) future of the European Union.

My first days in Brussels: