The Atomium

The next day we did some sightseeing, obviously. I had never been to see the Atomium myself, it’s not very close to anything and there is nothing else there but some touristy museums. But it had to be done 😉 After a seen that done that, we went back into the city to explore the city centre and to get some sweet overkill Belgian waffles at Maison Dandoy! Good times!

It’s gin and tonic time!

I was very much looking forward to this day!!

My best friend came to visit me in Brussels and we had an amazing time together. I picked her up at Brussels Central Station after work and took her to Châtelain market where we got some delicious street food and a glass of wine. After, we went for fancy gin tonics at De Haus, a really cool place with a huuuuuge gin menu.

Bruxelles, ma belle!

Some impressions of the capital of Europe:



Sunny Brussels…



Brussels by night…


Peculiar details…


Doors of Brussels…


DC at its best…

…and now it’s time to say goodbye 😦

I’m back in Germany and this project has come to it’s end. I hope you enjoyed reading all my bullshit and if you have you might get the feeling for why I’m super sad that I had to leave. It’s been one of the best summers of my life, I met so many great people who shared all these amazing experiences with me and to whom I will always be grateful!

This is my DC:


So the porch is just in front of my house, we sit there all the time, have a drink or coffee in the mornings.

The bar (second last picture) is called “The Raven”. It’s the place to go here in Mount Pleasant where I live. It’s just next to the laundrymat, one reason why we go there quite some times 😉

The DC-metro-picture gives you an impression of the troubles they have with the DC metro all the time. It has not been taken care of for quite a while and there are fires in the tunnels every week… I try to avoid it whenever I can.