In Bruges

As a foreigner in Belgium visiting Bruges is a must. Everyone told me it’s very pretty but even more touristy. And that’s what it is. Walking around in Bruges almost feels like walking around in an outdoor museum and I don’t mean that in a bad way. There are cute little medieval houses and churches, framed by the canal, very picturesque. If you’re into carriage rides, Bruges is the place to go. Just foodwise maybe not the best place to go, most of the cafes and restaurants I would consider to be tourist traps (20-25€ for a mediocre meal?) However, that didn’t keep us from having a good time!

The Atomium

The next day we did some sightseeing, obviously. I had never been to see the Atomium myself, it’s not very close to anything and there is nothing else there but some touristy museums. But it had to be done 😉 After a seen that done that, we went back into the city to explore the city centre and to get some sweet overkill Belgian waffles at Maison Dandoy! Good times!

Exploring Antwerp

One good thing about Brussels is that almost every other destination in Belgium is just a one hour train ride away. On the weekends the ticket price for a return trip is 50% off – so I thought, why not go to Antwerp just for the day?


I did one of the free walking tours to learn some things about the history of Antwerp and mainly to get an overview of the city. I discovered this amazing food truck market where I enjoyed a delicious Quesadilla right at the waterfront: